Thank you for your interest in donating toward this effort. Every donation of any amount is truly appreciated! Everyone who donates time, talent or money toward the 2014 Kachelmacher Park project will be given a spot on our Donation Wall. The Donation wall works in the following way:
Tier 1
$500 or more – Large Plaque with Business or Personal name & a listing on as a Major Donor to the project.
Tier 2
$100 – Small Plaque with Business or Personal name & a listing on as a Donor to the project.
Tier 3
Under $100 – Listing on as a Contributor to the project.

Ways to Donate
All Donations will be made to the Logan Rotary Club. 100% of all proceeds will be used toward this project.
Mail a Donation
Mail your donation to:
Logan Rotary Club
14075 St Rt 374
Rockbridge, OH 43149
Contact project leader Andrew McGhee at 740-385-8575 if you would like to donate your time, talent, or material toward one of our planned projects or use the contact form below to send an email.